On September 28, 2025, HCA Marathon will welcome runners and spectators for the 25th time to a festive day in the streets of Odense. This event combines the joy of running, a strong sense of community, and a unique race experience. Whether you're a first-time marathoner or an experienced runner, our goal is for you to leave with unforgettable memories of a fantastic day.
With a traffic-free course winding through the heart of the city, HCA Marathon is a celebration for the whole family. In addition to the classic marathon, you can choose to run the Half Marathon or the “Run The Last 10” Even the youngest participants can join the fun with the MiniMarathon (4.2 km).
Join us and create your own adventure in the city of Hans Christian Andersen – we can’t wait to run with you!
Find all the practical details you need BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the race below.
Are you ready for a unique challenge? Let us introduce The Funen Challenge Join the ultimate running experience on Funen, where we bring together three iconic races:
Lillebælt Halvmarathon, Fynske Bank De 3 Broer og HCA Marathon
As a participant in The Funen Challenge, you will race with a GOLD bib and receive a unique medal upon completing the HCA Marathon 2025 (42.195 km or 21.097 km). The medal will be handed out at The Funen Challenge booth at the sports expo after the race. This medal is your proof that you have completed The Funen Challenge 2025.
Learn more and find the 3 races here: The Funen Challenge
The Capital of Funen Hosts Its 25th Marathon in 2025.
One of the reasons the route is so fast is that Odense is as flat as a pancake. This makes it not only ideal for runners aiming to beat their personal best, but also perfect for first-timers. "The marathon starts and finishes at the Odense Sports Centre, just outside the city center. The course is shaped like a four-leaf clover, so you'll pass through the city center several times, giving your friends and family multiple opportunities to cheer you on." Because the route is run twice, it also offers a great chance for a negative split – a running strategy where you complete the second half of the race faster than the first.
The idea is you intentionally run slower in the beginning, and then increase the speed towards the end of the race.
But this is not all that makes HCA Marathon a one of a kind fairy-tale marathon. It is also the marathon with the cleanest and safest air in the world. And as the cherry on top each runner receives a unique fairy tale medal after the race.
HCA Marathon collaborates with selective hotels in Odense, so if you are travelling from abroad to participate in the run you can get a good deal for your stay.
Link to route map, route description, and traffic changes Runners World
Kr. 525 // Early Bird 29. september – 1. oktober 2024
Kr. 650 // 2. oktober 2024 – 6. april 2025
Kr. 750 // 7. April – 3. august 2025
Kr. 750 ekskl. taske // 4. august – 25. september 2025 kl. 10.00
Priserne er ekskl. tilmeldingsgebyr. Jubilæumstaske medfølger ved tilmelding inden 3. august 2025. T-shirt kan tilkøbes inden 1. september 2025.
Det er muligt at tilkøbe en afbestillingsforsikring og få billetprisen refunderet ved bl.a. akut sygdom, skader mv. Det er derfor ikke længere muligt at få overført startnummeret til efterfølgende år.
Online tilmelding er muligt frem til torsdag 25. september 2025 kl. 10.00. Herefter er der eftertilmelding på sportsmessen i Odense Idrætspark, såfremt der ikke er udsolgt.
Kr. 825 // 26. – 27. september 2025 (ekskl. jubilæumstaske)
Eftertilmelding er kontant eller MobilePay.
Ønskes en samlet tilmelding af min. 10 deltagere, skriv da til info@hcamarathon.dk
You can collect your bib number at the Expo at Odense Idrætspark, Israels Plads 3 – Odense V.
Your bib number contains the timing chip – do not bend your bib, as this may damage the chip.
IMPORTANT Do not modify your bib number, as this will lead to disqualification according to regulations of the Danish Atletic Federation. Stay on the marked course, as timing mats are placed at various points to record your split times. Missing split times will result in disqualification.
If you need to make changes to your registration, such as updating your name, switching distances, or transferring your entry to another runner, please ensure these updates are made in advance to keep the results list accurate for all participants.
You can make the changes yourself online – find more information under FAQ
The Sports Expo takes place at Odense Idrætspark, Israels Plads 3 – Odense V.
Read more at Sports Expo.
When you pick up your bib number, you will receive a race bag for storing your belongings. The baggage storage is staffed at Odense Idrætspark (Hall 2) and will be open on race day from 08:00 – 16:30, and only for the provided race bag.
REMEMBER to attach the bib number slip to your race bag.
If you have more baggage than fits in the provided race bag, there is additional baggage storage available at the tent on the parking lot near Nature Energy Park from 08:00 – 16:30 (DKK 25 per item, payable by cash or MobilePay).
For participants in the “Run The Last 10”, there is also baggage drop-off at the start on Flakhaven by Odense City Hall. Your baggage will be transported to Odense Idrætspark.
The tram operates throughout the day to and from Odense Train Station / Odense Idrætspark, making it easy to get to and from the event, or to travel into the city center to cheer on friends and family.
Have a look at www.odenseletbane.dk/billetter.
If you're coming from afar by car, there is also parking available at the trams “Park & Ride”, so you won’t have to worry about finding parking at Odense Idrætspark.
Drivers are encouraged to arrive early on race day and use the parking spaces along the surrounding streets near Odense Idrætspark.
Remember to check the signage, as some areas have time-limited parking or require payment.
Oversigtskort 2025 offentliggøres på et senere tidspunkt.
Ses vi til 25.udgave af HCA Marathon til næste år?
Tilmeld dig allerede nu med EARLY BIRD.
I 2025 gentages Den Fynske Udfordring.
Tilmeld dig allerede nu Lillebælt Halvmarathon 2025, Fynske Bank De 3 Broer (åbner 1.november) og HCA Marathon eller ½ Marathon 2025.
Tager du udfordringen op, så tilmeld dig allerede nu HCA Marathon 2025 med early bird.
hvor du kan løbe med det særlige guld startnummer og efter gennemførsel få en særlig medalje. Du løber først med guld startnummer, når du er tilmeldt alle tre løb.
I startområdet er der opsat skilte med forventede sluttid. For at give alle den bedste oplevelse bedes du stille dig ud for den sluttid, som du forventer at løbe på.
Hvis du kan løbe 42,195 km under 3.00, kan du få en startplads forrest i feltet.
Hvis du kan løbe 21,097 km under 1.30, kan du få en startplads forrest i feltet.
Få dit fastrunner mærke
Det kræver blot, at du henvender dig i informationen i Odense Idrætspark senest søndag 8.30 med dit startnummer og fremviser dokumentation for en hurtig tid fra et officielt løb af samme distance indenfor de seneste 2 år. Så får du et klistermærke til startnummeret, så du kan komme ind i forreste startgruppe.
Any clothing left in the start area will be collected shortly after the start and will be donated to the Red Cross.
Ruten er en 21,097 km rundstrækning gennem Odenses gader.
Vi har sørget for masser af musik langs ruten og en masse tilskuere, der er klar til at heppe på dig. Så både derfor og af sikkerhedsmæssige grunde er det ikke tilladt at løbe med musik i ørerne. Officials og vejvisere vil nemlig rigtig gerne kunne komme i kontakt med dig. Så drop musikken og nyd stemningen.
At the course, there will be samarits on bikes and in the finish area you will find doctors. If you want to drop out of the race, you must contact the nearest fluid replacement station, where you will get a lift to the finishing line.
Ruten er DAF-IAAF opmålt og godkendt af A.I.M.S.
Link to route map, route description, and traffic changes rutekort 2024.
The route will be without traffic from 10am until 4pm.
The maximum time will be marked by two cyclists riding at the back. If you find yourself behind the cyclists, you must adhere to traffic rules.
Traffic will be allowed back onto the route, so be prepared for the marshals and aid stations to have left their posts. You will need to find your own way back to the finish.
Marathon-fartholderne har blå balloner markeret med følgende sluttider:
Follow the green balloons.
The stations are located at intervals of 5K in the following order
Fluid depots ved ca. km 2,5 – 7,5 – 12,5 – 17,5
Must be handed in at Odense Idrætspark from Saturday 2pm-4.30pm and Sunday 8.00am – 8.30am in the put up boxes. The nutrition will be brought out to the depots on the route, and will be on the first tables at all the depots.
Both Marathon and ½ Marathon have this opportunity.
Afventer program 2025
Chip: Sluttiden bliver registret automatisk med chip, som sidder på bagsiden af dit startnummer.
Brutto tid: Fra startskuddet lyder til du løber i mål.
Netto tid: Fra du passerer startstregen, til du løber i
Link to route map, route description, and traffic changes livetracking 2024.
Høretelefoner er ikke tilladt under løbet af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager. Da ruten er det et rundeløb, er det vigtigt at alle løbere kan høre anvisninger fra officials, cykelryttere og andre løbere, der skal overhale. I stedet kan du nyde de grønne områder og summen af byen.
Details regarding this will be published at a later date. Keep an eye out for updates!
You will run the final 300 meters on Odense Athletics Stadium. The innermost lane is designated for the marathon, while the outermost lane is for the half marathon, “Run the Last 10,” and MiniMarathon.
At the finishing line, you will receive your medal. Please leave the area in the direction of the fluid replacement station.
Medal engraving
If you have purchased engraving for your medal as part of your participation in HCA Marathon, you will have the medal engraved on race day in the foyer of Odense Sports Park.
Please bring your race bib and medal, and have your finish time ready (on your phone) – your race bib serves as a receipt for the engraving.
To ensure everyone can have their medal engraved and taken home, please visit the foyer by 3:30 PM with your medal.
If you have not ordered engraving in advance, it can be purchased on the day, subject to available capacity.
The Funen Challenge
Har du gennemført den Fynske udfordring (gennemført Lillebælt Halvmarathon, Fynske Bank De 3 Broer og HCA Marathon eller HCA ½ Marathon) og løbet med guld nummer, får du din Fynske Udfordring medalje udleveret på HCA Marathons stand på sportsmessen efter du er kommet i mål.
Please note that once you leave the finish area, you cannot return.
After finishing, participants will be directed to the “MiniMarathon” tent, which serves as the finish area. The tent is located near the seating grandstand.
In the finish area, refreshments will include spring water, fruit, muesli bars, and dessert from Danone.
Parents do NOT have access to the finish area but can meet their children after they exit the tent.
Efter måldepotet møder du massage-teltet på p-pladsen ved Hal 2, hvor fysioterapeutstuderende fra UCL står klar til at løsne de brugte muskler op.
Det er helt gratis at få massage efter løbet.
is possible at Odense Idrætspark
Various food and beverage stalls will be available on race day at the main entrance to Odense Idrætspark.
Mens du nyder lidt godt til ganen, kan du følge målgangen på storskærm (med 45 minutters forsinkelse).
Photos from the HCA Marathon 2024 will be continuously uploaded to the photo gallery. fotogalleri.
Link to route map, route description, and traffic changes List of results 2024.
Download dit diplom via dit navn på resultatlisten.
Prize money for winning time under the record: +DKK 10.000
Link to route map, route description, and traffic changes løbsrekorder siden 2000 ved HCA Marathon.
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